Thursday, September 22, 2011

Positive thoughts and affirmations

When I first decided to try looking at the Sun for 10 seconds, It ended pretty quick and I felt almost disappointed because I had a feeling I could gaze for at least couple more minutes. My eyes were a little bit irritated by the photon shower and my mind was screaming "Are you crazy?!? Do you want to make us blind?!?" But physically I felt great and as much as it was very hard to calm my mind I decided to go with it and give Sungazing a chance. After a while I came up to 2 minutes of gazing and time began to pass pretty slowly. I caught myself thinking about "what will I do tonight?", "I haven't finished my work completely for tomorrow" and other everyday stuff, mostly not so joyful. I was surprised to find out that the time I dedicated to Sungazing was the only time I actually dedicated for myself and my thoughts. Even more interesting was the fact that my thoughts were mostly negative, worrying and burdening me in a sneaky, unnoticeable and subconscious way.

If you read great book from Donald Neal Walsch - "Conversations with God" you'll perhaps remember one particular thing he said: “The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek therefore, not to find out Who You Are, but seek to determine Who You Want to Be.” It means: if you are thinking negatively you will attract negative things in your life. And it really doesn't matter if you are thinking "Oh, please don't let me loose this job". Only the thought of you loosing your job is enough to bring that experience to your feet.
I've been thinking about this for a long time. A very long time. And finally, something moved inside my head and I decided to change the way I think. My plan was to eradicate every negative thought that my mind starts looping in. Not just negative thoughts but also over-analyzing any situation that I found myself in and also stop judging other people for making me feel bad. And I couldn't think of any better time for practicing my new thinking experience than while Sungazing. Instead of standing and just gazing, or even worse, thinking about problems, I started thinking about things I wanted to atract to my life. This was my first big experiment into this new world of positivity.

Bruce Lipton is a great guy who has PhD in biology. He was lecturing his University students how genes control our lives. One day he did experiment in which he took one stem cell and allow it to reproduce (from one became 2, than 4, than 8 and so on). That way he created genetically identical cells which he divided and put, one group in "healthy environment" and the other group in "unhealthy environment". The result was, dispite the same genetic background, that cells in unhealthy environment became "sick" and recover themselves only when he brought them back in healthy environment.
Okay, but we are people, not cells, I can hear you saying. Yes we are, and it's not just that we are more complex, and have higher consciousnesses, but we also are able to create our environment around us. And the tool that was given to us to do this is our power of thoughts. So how come we live in "so unhealthy environment" today? Never mind, I sad not to over-analyse anymore. All I can do is change my world. Here is interesting video of Bruce Lipton talking about this experiment.

The results of my experiment, with me changing my way of thinking only positive, were extraordinary. I will talk more about those results next time.

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